How to use Korean Grammar V/A + (으)ㄹ 때
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Verb, Adjective + ㄹ / 을 때
ㄹ - if a word ends in a vowel or ㄹ, 을 - if it ends in a consonant (except ㄹ)
The Korean grammar structure -ㄹ 때 / -을 때 is used to describe a specific time when something happens. -ㄹ 때 / -을 때 is used with verbs and adjectives and often translated as "when". When -ㄹ 때 / -을 때 is used with the past tense suffixes -았 / -었 / -였 the sentence has a slightly different meaning.
See examples,
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제가 시험을 볼 때 긴장했어요.
to see
to worry
I was nervous when I was taking the test.
저+가 시험을 보+ㄹ 때 긴장하+였+어요.
쇼핑할 때 친구를 만났어요.
to shop
to meet
I met a friend when I was shopping.
쇼핑하+ㄹ 때 친구를 만나+았+어요.
See the difference:
제가 시험을 봤을 때 긴장했어요.
I was nervous when I was done with the test.
저+가 시험을 보+았+을 때 긴장하+였+어요.
쇼핑했을 때 친구를 만났어요.
I met a friend when I was done with shopping.
쇼핑하+였+을 때 친구를 만나+았+어요.
Quick reference (click to open)
Vowels: a, e, i, o, u
Consonants: b, c, d, f, g, h, j
Syllable: Bra-zil (2 syllables), Ar-gen-ti-na (4), In-di-a (3), Viet-nam (2), thin-king (2), beau-ti-ful (3), good (1)
Batchim: is a final consonant in a syllable. → Bra-zil (batchim: 'l'), Ar-gen-ti-na (batchims: 'r' and 'n'), In-di-a ('n'), Viet-nam ('t', 'm')
Romanization: is a conversion of text (not pronunciation ! ) from different writing system (Korean, Arabic, Russian, etc.) to the Roman (Latin) alphabet.
IPA: is an alphabetic system of phonetic (pronunciation) notation.
Noun: road, user, sister, table, sky
Pronoun: I, my, we, you, they, her
Verb: to go, to study, to think, to feel
Adjective: cold, kind, hungry, curious, expensive
Adverb: quickly, nicely, never, exactly, urgently
Preposition: from, to, on, in, with, till
Conjuction: and, because, if, but, while
Declarative sentence: I learn Korean.
Interrogative sentence: Do you learn Korean?
Imperative sentence: You must learn Korean!
Exclamative sentence: Wow, you learn Korean!
Verb / Adj. stem in Korean: part of a verb or adj. which is left after removing the last syllable -다 ( e.g. 가다 → 가, 예쁘다 → 예쁘, 듣다 → 듣 ).